09. Creating a Web Interface - Part 2/3

Step 1: Download the WI Software
The Web Interface software can be downloaded from the Forge. Click on the Files tab, and the zip file is available there. Download it, and unzip the contents (8 folders and 12 files). Select all these folders and files, right-click and choose Cut. Navigate to wamp\www, there should be just one file there, index.php, delete it, then paste the WI folders and files there.

Step 2: Import the WI Tables
Open phpMyAdmin, and select the opensim database from the left pane.
On the right, above the database structure, select the Import Tab.
Navigate to the wamp\www\sql_update folder, there should be 12 sql file here
Import each of these 12 files in turn, ignoring any error messages about empty results.
Close phpMyAdmin

If you now go to your domain in a browser, you should see the WI, but with some junk code at the top of screen. Don't worry about that, it will be fixed.

Step 3: Restart Apache
Click on the Wamp system tray icon, and select Apache, Service, and Restart Service.

Step 4: Configure the Web Interface
Navigate to wamp\www\settings and open the config.php file in Notepad. At the top should be the System settings:

SysName: this is the name that will appear in the Title Bar of your WI.
SysURL: this is the address of your host (mine was http://anubia.servegame.org)
SysMail: provide a valid email address for yourself here

Now scroll down to the Database section, and enter your database details like this:

//Your Hostname here:
//Your Databasename here:
//Your Username from Database here:
//Your Database Password here:

Now save this file

If you now go back to your browser, enter the url of your host again, and refresh the page, you should see it OK

Step 5: Change your WI Admin Password
In your browser, enter the url of your host again, but add /admin/ at the end, like this:


The default user name is admin, and the password is test. Enter these and inside select Change Admin Pass from the menu in the left pane. In here you can change your password, and Save.

In the last part of this tutorial we will set up the mail server, for registration confirmation.


  1. I have pretty much all steps of your tutorial comlete and most things are working for Apache, PHP (tests okay on poinfo and a test opensim data base connect)... but the WI index.php file just opens with the backgound, Hippo logo and script text at the top. It does though have Welcome to ?=SYSNAME? as the page title, whereas my config.php has a custom text. I have followed the instructions on setup of settings/config.php as far as I can tell. Any pointers?

  2. Rock, thanks for the great tutorials. You have saved me many hours of time and frustration.

    However, I am having the same problem as AI Austin. My index.php page does not display properly. And i triple-checked everything in the config.php. Any suggestions?

  3. Okay, i figured out the UI junk code problem. I had a character in my password that MySQL or PHP didn't like. So i changed the password, and then i got a set of error messages in the Web UI page.

    After a little digging i found a solution. I edited this file:


    I changed "display_errors" from ON to OFF. That fixed the problem! No more error messages in my Web UI page.

    My Web UI talks to the db just fine now, creates users, etc. Hope that helps.

    Now, I just need to figure out why my email is not sending properly...

    I tested Telnet via port 25, and it works. And i opened port 25 in my router and firewall. But still not sending properly.

    Anyone have suggestions why my confirmation email is not sending...?

  4. Okay i figured out the email problem. PostCast had automatically set the SMTP Host Name to my computer name (the name that identifies it on my LAN).

    I clicked the Settings button in PostCast. Then I changed the SMTP Host Name to and it started working. I'm good to go now!

    Okay, my next question is, how to import the existing users i created manually and have them set as "Active" in Web UI...?

  5. All the users you originally created before installing the wiredux can be merged into the WI_Users table and set as 'Active', quite easily. Log into the Admin part of your wiredux, and you will see, above 'Home' in the left-side menu, Update Uderdb, click this. If you check your Manage Users page now you will see all users are now Green, and Active.


  6. Hi, I did everything you said, but when I save and goto my local server, it still has the text and its blank (the page is blank)

  7. Hello all!
    i have running mine own opensim and now prepair the website interfase, but when i do this all i get an error, i run IIS with PHP and if i unstall it and install WAMP server with all toghter it does'nt change, still the same error.

    this is the error what i get if i open the website, (i see this all in top of the site):

    query("SELECT password FROM ".C_ADMIN_TBL." WHERE password='$_SESSION[ADMINUID]'"); list($admpass) = $DbLink->next_record(); if($admpass){ $ADMINCHECK = $admpass; }else{ $ADMINCHECK = "454"; } if($_POST[adminlogin]=="admincheck"){ $pass = $_POST[password]; $passcheck = md5(md5($pass) . ":" ); $DbLink->query("SELECT username,password FROM ".C_ADMIN_TBL." WHERE username='$_POST[username]'"); list($adminname,$adminpass) = $DbLink->next_record(); if($adminpass == $passcheck){ $_SESSION[ADMINUID] = $adminpass; } } if($_POST[check]==1){ echo ""; } ?>

    somehow after the -> my PHP don't understand that. can someone help me please?

    greets, Mark

  8. Bonjour,

    j'ai la même erreur

  9. j'ai trouvé
    change :

    short_open_tag = On

    asp_tags = On

  10. can not get Web Interface, link error. pls fix it.

  11. Stil cannot get to the link :(

  12. Hey, I got the WI up, but I get an error message:
    Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT regionName,regionHandle FROM regions ORDER BY regionName ASC
    MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'phoenixgrid.regions' doesn't exist)
    Session halted

    Can you help me fix it? I'm not sure what is wrong with it. I see a wi_regions table, but that's it.


  13. Hey all... I'm still sorting through this muck - so whether it works once I'm done reamains to be seen, but - have figured out the 'cause' of probably 99% of the problems (for most of us at least)...

    This code was apparently written with some rather 'dated' (and foolish IMO) forms of 'shorthand coding' (that I'd nearly forgotten anybody had ever used).

    a) Rather than 'introducing' php code sections with a 'proper' "" is used - replacing this with "" (adjusted for context of course)should take care of those.

    c) Some of the ".php" files (mostly for one of the editors I think ?) are actually just html files; while this is less likely to be an issue (?) - it's still just 'bad form'; I'm taking the 'easy way out' and just adding a line at the top of the file - "" to make sure that doesn't muck things up for me anyways.

    I'll see how this all turns out, and try to nudge the folks that wrote this to change all that; I'm hoping the rest is 'basically sound', seeing a bunch of effort was apparently put into it all.

    Ah - scrolling back just now, I'm actually noticing that those server config opts the French fellow commented on are just what this code expects; however - I still consider it "very bad form" and certainly don't intend to change to those settings.

    And indeed, as GMT commented, the link given is 'broken' - however, just stripping off the latter part of the uri & hunting a bit from there I was able to find it easily enough.

    All that said - I'm *really* hoping this works after this 'extra effort' - it does sound like it might address a number of questions / wants I'd had on my mind already. Thanks much for the articles !

    Be well & enjoy, all -

    - Jake

  14. Hm - and unfortunately... parts of my post were clipped (due to html-like characters being used to explain)... hopefully it's still useful enough for y'all as is... ?

    - Jake

  15. Having much the same problems. here's the error on the page...

    Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT UUID, currentRegion FROM agents where agentOnline = 1 AND logintime < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())))) AND logoutTime < (UNIX_TIMESTAMP(FROM_UNIXTIME(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(now())))) ORDER BY logintime DESC
    MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'opensim.agents' doesn't exist)
    Session halted.

  16. plzzz any1 can help me?? I am also getting the same error. At the top of the page I am getting database error? what am I supposed to do in that case?? If any1 has solved this error then plz help me.

  17. I cant log into the admin page user admin and test dont work for some reason.any ideas ?

  18. Notice: Use of undefined constant page - assumed 'page' in E:\Server\wamp\www\admin\index.php on line 15

    Notice: Undefined index: page in E:\Server\wamp\www\admin\index.php on line 15

    Notice: Use of undefined constant page - assumed 'page' in E:\Server\wamp\www\admin\index.php on line 18

    Notice: Undefined index: ADMINUID in E:\Server\wamp\www\admin\index.php on line 22

    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in E:\Server\wamp\www\settings\mysql.php on line 36
    Database error: Link_ID == false, connect failed
    MySQL error: 0 ()
    Session halted.


  19. I too am getting errors like:
    Table 'opensim.agents' doesn't exist
    I have set:
    short_open_tag = On
    asp_tags = On
    like the French dude said, and restarted Apache but some result... and it's right, 'agents' table doesn't exist in my opensim database!

  20. If you get the following error message in Step 2

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'TYPE=MyISAM'

    you need to edit each of the .sql files in the sql_update folder and replace TYPE=MyISAM with ENGINE=MyISAM

  21. anyone know how to solve this problem?

    You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near

    please give me a feedback. thanks

  22. I too am getting errors like:
    Table 'opensim.agents' doesn't exist
    I have set:
    short_open_tag = On
    asp_tags = On
    like the French dude said, and restarted Apache but some result... and it's right, 'agents' table doesn't exist in my opensim database!

    I got same problem after change all tables with ENGINE=MyISAM anyone have idea how repair this error?

  23. Admin page is just repeating the menu_bg.jpg file withj no content on page other than the header and logo image, any thoughts?
